About us

Nova Transportadora do Sudeste S/A

NTS (Nova Transportadora do Sudeste S/A – NTS) transports natural gas through a solid gas pipeline system, safely and reliably connecting Brazil’s most industrialized region.

More than 2,000 kilometers of pipelines with transport contractual capacity of 158.2 million m³ of gas per day. NTS pipelines link the states of Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and São Paulo (responsible for approximately 50% of gas consumption in Brazil) with the Bolivia-Brazil pipeline, GNL terminals and gas processing plants.

Our History

NTS was created from a Statement of Commitment signed with the Brazilian National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (“ANP”), in which Petrobras has committed to restructure the Transportadora Associada de Gás (TAG) and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, in order to create a natural gas carrier in southeastern Brazil (NTS) and another in the North-Northeast (NTN).



On April 4, 2017, Petrobras concluded the sale of 90% of its shares in NTS to Nova Infraestrutura Fundo de Investimentos em Participações Multiestratégia (“FIP”), managed by Brookfield Brasil Asset Management Investimentos Ltda., a company affiliated to Brookfield Asset Management. On the same date, FIP conducted the sale of part of its shares in NTS to Itaúsa S.A. (Itaúsa).


On April 30, 2021, the purchase of all shares held by Petrobras, corresponding to 10% of the Company’s shares, by Nova Infraestrutura Gasodutos Participações S.A. (NISA), a company that had FIP and Itaúsa as its shareholders, was concluded. As of this transaction, NISA was holding the shares corresponding to 10% of NTS share capital, replacing the stake previously held by Petrobras, which is no longer a Company shareholder.


On April 12, 2022, the merger of NISA into NTS was approved, being FIP and Itaúsa the shareholders of NTS now.


Ativo mais recente presente na malha de transporte da NTS, o gasoduto Itaboraí-Guapimirim (GASIG) é um marco para o mercado de gás natural brasileiro. Seus 11 quilômetros de extensão interligam posições estratégicas com o gás oriundo do pré-sal e simbolizam o novo momento vivido pós Nova Lei do Gás. Todo seu investimento foi realizado nos mais criteriosos padrões de segurança, tecnologia e sustentabilidade, garantindo a eficiência operacional e minimizando impactos ambientais, em um passo significativo em direção ao alinhamento com as diretrizes ESG. O sucesso do projeto é fruto da dedicação contínua de todo o time NTS, empenhado em transportar o futuro.